Infinity Wars Wiki
Background For Matches

In Infinity Wars, the are a variety of different game modes.

Part 4: The Battlefield -or- Part 6: Deckbuilding

Constructed Play Options

  • Infinite - Any card in Infinity Wars may be used, including cards from promotional sets (Star Trek and Omni)
  • Core - only cards from the Infinity Wars core sets may be used. These are every set except cards from promotional sets.
  • Merged - Your selected legal deck is combined with the opponent's selected legal deck. This creates a situation where both players use cards from the combined decks for their card pool. Each player may choose 3 Commanders from the available 6 Commanders in the pooled decks before the game begins.
  • Pauper - same as Core, except only Uncommon and Common cards may be used.

Ranked Mode

Ranked Games use the same legality as Core mode. Playing Ranked games will affect your personal Ranking. You may check the leaderboards to see standings.

Ranked games are played in a Best of 3 (Bo3) format. Between matches you will have a few minutes to modify your deck by adding or removing cards from your Sideboard. Any changes must keep your deck legal. Sideboards are up to 10 cards, and need to be set up in the Deck Builder before entering Ranked.

Draft Mode (Rift Runs)


Practice Rift Runs cost nothing, but will give you no IP or rewards. Practice Rift Runs are against random AI.

Regular Rift Runs cost 2000 IP or 75 Lightmare Points to "Buy in". However, after your run, based on how well you did, you receive rewards. Any IP you would have earned from individual games is awarded as part of these end rewards rather than after each game.

Once you've started one or the other, you will be given the option to select your 40 cards from 4 possible selections at a time. 3 Commanders are first chosen from the options, which determine that purity your deck will have. After that you pick the rest of your cards, then begin fighting other players.

Once you've lost three games, you can no longer use your deck and are given the option to claim your rewards. This involves 6 chests that pop up, containing cards, avatars, and IP points which are dependent on how well you did.

Lastly, you are given the option to buy your deck outright. The cost in either Lightmare Points or IP points is reduced from a set value based on the number of wins you achieve. When you reach 29 wins, the deck is free.

IMPORTANT - If you want to end a run early, DO NOT "Abandon Run" as this will forfeit all your rewards. Instead, enter the queue and concede your remaining games to other players.


Rift Runs (Drafting) Preview-0

Drafting Card Pool

As of Patch 1.5, draft is curated. [1] [2]

Not Available in Draft

The following cards cannot be drafted at all:

Deck Only

The following cards are NOT available as commanders. They ARE able to be drafted in the deck:

Commanders Only

The following cards are NOT available in deck, but ARE available as commanders:
